The University of Malaga is honoured to introduce the twelfth edition of the Research Workshop on Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Science (PBCS XII). Since its origins in 2011, the PBCS is an annual encounter of young scholars that aims at bringing together researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds: philosophers, cognitive scientists, and biologists working on issues of common interest. In this workshop, young researchers can present their ideas and participate in the discussions, as well as attend the conferences of keynote speakers. Its main purposes are to serve as a tool for enhancing research through discussion and to promote the interdisciplinary of the ideas presented. In its eleventh edition, the organizers would like to keep encouraging young researchers to participate in this fresh and distinctive forum.
The call for participants will take place between the following days: 16th of February – 16th of April 2023.
The twelfth edition of the PBCS workshop will take place on 9th and 10th of November 2023 at University of Malaga.
We invite abstracts between 500 and 750 words. Applicants must send a detailed summary of the contribution to the email address by 16th April 2023. Summaries can be sent in .doc, or .pdf format. The contributions are expected to indicate the title of the talk and also highlight the relevance of the topic for the event and a sketch of the main arguments. They can be written in English or Spanish. Applicants must send two copies of the summary: one will contain the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s) and email contact. The second one will not include names, affiliations, email contact or any kind of information that could reveal the authorship of the document.
Talks: Each talk will last no more than 20 minutes, followed by a 10 minutes discussion.
Please, send your abstract to See our website: https://filosofiabiocog.weebly